$300 per dog
Reservations required with non-refundable $100 deposit.
Dogs need routine dental care just like humans. Without it, plaque and tartar build up on a pet’s teeth, which eventually can lead to painful gingivitis, periodontal disease, infections, tooth loss, and even problems in the rest of the body.
Services will be offered MONTHLY at our facility (and depending on signups, we may offer more than 1x a month) We will post on our social media at the start of each month, as well as announcements will be sent out through our client portal and our app. Please feel free to call 214-252-1550 to inquire when the next scheduled date is.
**Please note that not every dog is a candidate for this service
The success for this type of service is based on your dog's current dental health and how long it has been since their last cleaning. Consistent services every 3-4 months depending on the size and age of dog is paramount in maintaining your dog's overall dental health. If it has been longer than 2 years since your last service, and or your dog is over 7 years of age, we will need pictures of your dog's teeth prior to reserving your spot in order to assess the tarter buildup and gum condition.
You will not be charged a fee if we think your pet is not a candidate upon evaluation.
DFW Doggie Dentals provides a non-invasive, anesthesia-free dental cleaning. This procedure allows us to clean your dog’s teeth effectively, without the risks associated with anesthesia. They use gentle techniques to ensure your dog is calm and comfortable throughout the process. At completion of the service, they will be providing a report card outlining any problem areas, loose or cracked teeth that need to be extracted or any other areas of concern.
With dogs that are less than 15lbs, they will swaddle them in a clean cotton sheet so they feel safe as we slowly introduce the process to them so as not to cause them any stress. Dogs that are bigger simply lay over our lap for the same process.
This is considered a cosmetic procedure. This type of cleaning isn’t considered “scaling” and they can’t do x-rays to determine periodontal health, as they are not a licensed vet.*There will not be a reduction in price for dogs with missing teeth.
Call 214-252-1550 to reserve your spot today!
Reservations required with non-refundable $100 deposit